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Sentence Pattern Transformations - Multiple Transformations

Directions: Transform each sentence as directed, using all transformations listed in your answer. Do not change tense when you make your transformations. At any point in the exercise, you may click on "Check My Answers" (at bottom) to see the answer key.

1.  Harriet enjoyed that book of poems.

passive, interrogative yes-no, and negative:

2.  A big bug is in my coffee.

there is/there are, negative, and interrogative yes-no:

3.  I saw a big green turtle in the road.

cleft and interrogative yes-no:

4.  You should write a letter to the editor.

imperative and negative:

5.  Mel bought a new telephone.

cleft and emphasis:

6.  The airplane will eventually climb to 3,000 feet.

interrogative yes-no and negative:

7.  Ella eats lunch in the cafeteria.

passive and interrogative yes-no:

8.  I love chocolate.

cleft and emphasis:

9.  A fleck of dust was in my camera lens.

there is/there are and negative:

10.  The psychiatrist interpreted the strange dream.

passive, negative, and cleft:



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Margaret L. Benner

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